A doctor that hates blood. Quite the dilemma.
Chapter: Chapter 1
Taus and Lhung meet.
Lhung is working hard. Is that magic I see happening there? Maybe so: maybe more later, too.
Looks like he changed his mind all of a sudden.
She’d rather take her baggage and run.
Move along. Nothing more to see here.
Catch the pun! Am very happy to get to this page: I’d been plotting it all along! All along!
Not sure I like the dialogue on this page, but. Meh.
That guy sure was persistent wasn’t he? Lhung’s natural form might have scared him off. Or is it something else?
Well, now she knows how many times HE’S been around the block …
He was free. She doesn’t get that.
Well, how would YOU feel if that happened?
Aw, they’re so cute together. He’s all feminine and she’s… well, it appears she’s just plain embarrassed.
Eyes meet. Smart comments abound. Smiles happen.